Pop the lid off the Play-Doh can, and the smell can take you way back to your pre-kindergarten days. Maybe we get our fascination with forming from our Father. He formed us with His own hands, and each time we teach and see students respond rightly to His Word, He uses our teaching to form their hearts until Christ is formed in them.
Formed 2024 features seventeen experienced, effective teachers sharing practical tips and techniques on how teachers in the local church may teach God’s Word to children, youth, and adults so Christ is formed in all of us. Formed 2024 starts online Saturday, August 3 at 9 CDT for teams and individuals.
Not able to attend the live event? No worries! Your registration also provides access to unlimited replays of the sessions for 6 months.
Featured Sessions
FORMED will provide incredible content for teachers of all ages! Here are some of the sessions we think you may enjoy.
August 03, 2024, 04:45 PM

August 03, 2024, 04:15 PM

August 03, 2024, 04:15 PM

August 03, 2024, 04:45 PM

With 17 experts, the tools you need are just a click away.
Our experts will be sharing their knowledge, strategies, and advice for more effective teaching. With tracks dedicated to teachers of every age level, there is certainly something for every one!
Meet the speakers